Homemade Vanilla Cake Recipe


½ cup butter at room temperature
2 Cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 ¼ cups sugar
2 large eggs
1 cup milk
½ tsp salt


Pre­heat oven to 350F. Grease and flour a 9×5-inch loaf pan. In a medi­um bowl, whisk togeth­er flour, bak­ing pow­der and salt. In a large bowl, cream togeth­er but­ter and sug­ars until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, adding them one at a time, fol­lowed by vanil­la extract. Stir in half of the flour mix­ture, fol­lowed by the milk. Add in remain­ing flour mix­ture, stir­ring just until no streaks of dry ingre­di­ents remain. Pour into pre­pared pan. Bake for 50-55 min­utes, or until a tooth­pick insert­ed into the cen­ter of the cake comes out clean. Allow cake to cool in the pan for 5 min­utes, then turn it out onto a wire rack to cool com­plete­ly.


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